Andrew Tortise

Andrew Tortise was a choral scholar at Wells Cathedral and graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge. Concert plans this season and beyond include tenor soloist for Handel Messiah with the Ulster Orchestra and Ruben Jais, the Huddersfield Choral Society and Jane Glover, and the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra and Richard Egarr; Handel Dixit Dominus with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and Laurence Cummings; Beethoven Missa Solemnis with Ex Cathedra and the CBSO under Jeffrey Skidmore; and Mozart C Minor Mass with Orchestre National de Lille and Jan Willem de Vriend. Forthcoming Bach performances include St Matthew Passion (tenor arias) with the Antwerp Symphony, Rotterdam Philharmonic and Gürzenich Orchestra Cologne; St John Passion (Evangelist) with the Academy of Ancient Music at King’s College, Cambridge; and Christmas Oratorio with the Dunedin Consort. He will make a return to the Royal Opera, Covent Garden in the new production by David McVicar of Death in Venice, conducted by Sir Mark Elder.


sam. 23/03/24

Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste

mer. 23/08/23

Parc La Grange - Scène Ella Fitzgerald

sam. 01/07/23

Conservatoire de musique de Genève (Salle Franz-Liszt)